I'm struggling about whether or not to keep my previous blog posts. Altogether it was to be an experiment in self-help: one iphoto, every day, regardless of what I was doing or feeling, for 6 months. I had a hand-me-down iPhone, a somewhat misguided ideal of photography (still do), and.. time. I was pretty recently removed (ie. kicked the fuck out) from university, as well as a short-lived and intense relationship, and if I had a job at all I was working very little of it. And, ultimately, that's why I'm torn about the decision. I know (and knew) these weren't really accurate depictions of my life during that period; I was participating in the great lie of social media, the imperfect perfectness we put out to our facebook friends and twitter followers, and paradoxically always contrasting their best to my worst. We all know this is damaging to our psychology yet are paralyzed to do otherwise so often.
Don't misunderstand me: I don't believe that social media is intrinsically bad for us. I could (and should!) write a stand-alone post on the positive shaping social media has done to (and for) society. I think the problem lies elsewhere; I'm certain smarter people have commented on it; and I'd like to examine how it relates to my experience with depression.
I will leave these old photos as a record of just how far I haven't come.
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